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Gambian Enterprise

Damon & Bubbles Join Gambian Enterprise Charity.

Damon has become a patron and trustee of Gambian Enterprise because he knows just as anyone who has ever visited Gambia knows, how much a little help goes a long way.

But giving money is only a short term solution.  At Gambian Enterprise they wish to provide a long term and sustainable benefit that helps the people of Gambia to help each other. Thier work is focused in two key areas, education & business.


Primary School education is the only state funded learning available, but it is still underused by many Gambian families who are unable to afford to send their children to school. The cost of uniforms, exercise books and school meals can sometimes be out of the reach of some families.

Working together with Gambian School Headmasters Gambian Enterprise will identify those children that would truly benefit from Sponsorship.

They also look to improve the quality of the schools themselves and identify worthwhile and sustainable projects that can give long term benefit to the children and their families.


Gambian Enterprise is committed to business projects that allow long term investment in Gambia.

Thier Business projects are joint ventures between Gambian adults and Gambian Enterprise. This provides opportunities and jobs for Gambian men and women regardless of education, religion or political belief.

The profit of each project is shared between the project owner and Gambian Enterprise, then Gambian Enterprise re-invest the profit into further Gambian Business projects thus creating business growth and Gambian self-sufficiency.

Please consider supporting thier efforts by becoming a member of Gambian Enterprise


Visit Gambian Enterprise's Site HERE

� Damon Scott | Da'Monkey Productions LTD all right reserved